
2003 highlights
The fourth season of Orca-Live gave us the privilege of observing many remarkable scenes. Below the surface we saw orcas numerous times, sometimes chasing salmon, and at other times just gliding by. We were enchanted by the beautiful underwater ballet of a curious quartet of Stellar sea lions who made the kelp forest at Cracroft Point their home in the fall. Springer returned, again; "Willy", the solitary pseudorca, made an unexpected visit; Kiltik and Racey (A52 & A59) fished right under the camera at CP, seemingly oblivious to its presence; the full moon in eclipse held us spellbound. Everyday events provided continuous fascination... shafts of sunlight illuminating individual strands of kelp, endless streams of perch, vigilant kelp greenlings gliding by. Complementing the imagery were awesome sounds, day and night, from the orcas' world. This sample of the highlights of the 2003 season of LIVE is one of many chapters of a DVD edited by Anna Spong and available for purchase via http://www.orcalab.org/shop-support/index.htm. |