
The summer and fall of 2002 was one of the busiest, richest and most interesting orca seasons ever experienced by OrcaLab and relayed to the world via OrcaLive. The best known highlight of the summer was the return of the orphaned baby orca Springer (A73) to her family and community, but beyond this very public spectacle the day to day drama of the lives of the orcas was endlessly fascinating. Every family in the northern resident community visited the Johnstone Strait "core area", providing more than a thousand hours of audio recordings and hundreds of hours of wonderful video shot by Anna Kathleen Spong from "CP", OrcaLab's Cracroft Point video station. Here, in 2 episodes, are some of the highlights from OrcaLab's 2002 video and audio recordings. We hope they will bring back fond memories for people in countries around the world who are the enthusiastic audience of OrcaLive
DVD and VHS copies of the full production, The Best of OrcaLive 2002, may be obtained via www.orcalab.org/shop-support/index.htm
OrcaLab has also produced a CD, The Return of Springer, which tells SpringerÍs story in sound. Copies may be obtained via www.orcalab.org/shop-support/index.htm
Please address all CD/video-related inquiries to sales@orcalab.org |