@Heidi pretty sure you are correct. :)
27 Jun 2024 15:51:30 PDT

Hey everyone. Its been a few years since I have been on this chat. I see April 20th 2024. Does that mean thats the last chat on here?
Heidi Petraska@Leamington On
26 Jun 2024 06:24:30 PDT

I do see the sealion & main cams appear live. Understand the rubbing beach and underwater video and sound are more difficult to manage.
JudyC@Port Angeles WA
20 Apr 2024 13:43:28 PDT

Will live stream come back? Understand Paul & Helena are "getting up in the years". So enjoyed the many years of live stream!!!
JudyC@Port Angeles WA
20 Apr 2024 13:34:15 PDT

Hi OL! Been awhile. I wanted to share this article I just saw. Love those orcas! https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/infamous-boat-sinking-orcas-spotted-hundreds-of-miles-from-where-they-should-be-baffling-scientist
17 Apr 2024 02:52:35 PDT

When do you plan to get the live streams back? Miss them. . .
JudyC@Port Angeles WA
14 Apr 2024 14:23:18 PDT

Please get Little Hunter/Biggs to her pod
Judy PA@Port Angeles WA
04 Apr 2024 13:34:51 PDT

Corky’s saddest day number 54 Today, December 11 2023 marks the 54th anniversary of Corky’s capture. Unbelievable. It’s a single word, but it tells us everything we know about Corky. Her endurance: unbelievable, Her resilience: unbelievable. Her patience: unbelievable. Add any other superlative you can think of to explain how someone who has been shut off from and deprived of everything that made her is able survive day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. I’ve long pondered this, and think I have the answer. She knows. Corky knows, absolutely, that people around the world are thinking about her and working to bring her home. That gives her hope. And her hope transfers easily to me. Like Corky, I believe she will come home. Meanwhile, the Sanctuary Corky will come home to at Double Bay on Hanson Island is being prepared https://doublebaysanctuary.org/. Work on the old lodge is proceeding apace. It is already solar powered. Soon, the waters of the bay will be pristine again. First Nations, to whom Corky is family, are joining our quest. Step by step, Corky’s journey home is coming together. That day will come. Please join me and Helena in lighting a candle for Corky. Thank you so much. Paul Spong December 11, 2023
10 Dec 2023 23:46:18 PST

I didn't know that orcas were being caught in trawling nets https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/wildlife/2023/10/03/trawl-catch-of-killer-whales-brings-new-scrutiny-to-federal-science-behind-alaska-take-levels/
06 Oct 2023 04:39:05 PST

Springer is okay! Thanks for sharing.
01 Oct 2023 08:36:09 PST

Yay!!! for sightings of Springer and calves!!!
JudyC@Port Angeles WA
28 Sep 2023 15:39:34 PDT

So sorry, Tim, but we are no longer able to edit coments on this page. Looking at your comment, I see that ou haven't posted our full address including zip code, so I think you are fairly safe. If you'd like me to I can ask our technical people in Japan for help. Just let me know. All the best and take good care. Apologies again, Paul
24 Sep 2023 08:46:25 PDT

To Orca Lab... When I posted on June 18, Orca lab chat page, I thought my address was requested for verification and did not suspect or expect it to be published. Could you please remove my address or barring that, the entire post? I have been emailing every day since June 18 and your inbox is always full. I messaged you via Facebook and got a reply that it would be removed but it hasn’t been. Thank you. Tim McGuinness.
Tim McGuinness@Sidney
23 Sep 2023 07:45:59 PDT

Wonderful write up from Orca Lab on Sept. 10, 2023. Thank you so much!
June Ross@#5, 3400-Rock City Road
11 Sep 2023 10:14:20 PDT

is there alive cam for KRB ?
Corie Allen@bb
22 Aug 2023 14:16:12 PDT

Amanda yes! B13 is indeed alive and well. We saw him on our remote cameras!
Lucy@OrcaLab Volunteer
21 Aug 2023 22:30:49 PDT

Is B13 still alive?
Amanda @19360 73 Ave
21 Aug 2023 16:31:07 PDT

@Oliver, where we can see the picture? Heard of B‘s
19 Aug 2023 05:58:16 PDT

Tokitae,all my life I was waiting for you to return in the ocean,I'm sorry and it hurts me,I will never forget you ,be in peace Tokitae I love you
Nicolas Meidinger @France
19 Aug 2023 03:56:29 PDT

Such a sad day to lose Toki... Orcanetwork doing everything to bring her back to home waters in Salish sea. After 50+ years in captivity. Trust Corky is OK. Captures were so evil...
JudyC@Port Angeles WA
18 Aug 2023 20:38:29 PDT

Lolita the orca dies at Miami Seaquarium after half-century in captivity: https://tinyurl.com/mrx4wu8u
18 Aug 2023 20:13:39 PDT

Correction?. There are at least 12 (nice to have them all on one pic😉), still heading East and are now on the western tip of Pearse Island.
Oliver@Alder Bay Resort
18 Aug 2023 20:10:29 PDT

Just saw a bunch of Orcas (about 7) heading east along the Alert Bay shoreline opposite of Alder Bay.
Oliver@Alder Bay Resort
18 Aug 2023 19:55:09 PDT

@ Brenda. Orca Lab does not “track? anything but whales. As far as errant boaters are concerned, Orca Lab will properly report as observed, which we should all be doing a s a matter of routine.
16 Aug 2023 08:11:31 PDT

@ Brenda. Orca Lab does not “track? anything but whales. As far as errant boaters are concerned, Orca Lab will properly report as observed, which we should all be doing a s a matter of routine.
16 Aug 2023 08:08:50 PDT

Does Orca Lab track those boats that appear to be coming along side the pods and report them?
Brenda@Nanaimo, BC
15 Aug 2023 16:15:48 PDT

I believe the A23’s have been very active on the camera and in Johnstone Strait with vocalizing. Would love to know if they are exhibiting hunting behaviours?
Brenda@Nanaimo, BC
15 Aug 2023 16:09:30 PDT

Orca's calling right now.
14 Aug 2023 09:34:37 PDT

Sunday July 23, evening. Orca Behavior Institute report: After 13 days, the A42s finally decided to leave the Campbell River area, and we got to catch up with them this morning for a bit north of Malcolm Island, BC.
Tanita Bird@Sayward BC
24 Jul 2023 06:07:46 PDT

Regarding the Alaska spring salmon closure, I understand a US Supreme Court overruled the lower court, so the closure did not happen.
Tanita Bird@Sayward BC
23 Jul 2023 15:40:03 PDT

Oh no, I am saddened to hear about Surf passing away. That is terrible news. I fondly recall his birth, watching him grow up & I spent a great deal of time with him many years ago. He was so special. I'm sure he's reunited somewhere with his cousin Blackney. Those two were close back in the day I dearly loved them both.
15 Jul 2023 17:28:38 PDT

The A42s were near Hernando Island near Lund when i saw them on tour today :)
Garry Henkel@Lot 5 Chinook Crescent
08 Jul 2023 16:27:04 PDT

are you still a registered charity and if so what is your mailing address; our local group is interested in helping
cath Ens-Hurwood@home
01 Jul 2023 08:44:50 PDT

Hey Orcalab looking really forward to this season of the NRKW's
Vixenuk@United Kingdom
26 Jun 2023 15:20:04 PDT

Wonderful that someone is back at Orca Live!
19 Jun 2023 12:10:40 PDT

Do all NRKW pods vist Johnstone Strait each summer? If not, which ones are regulars?
Tim McGuinness@203-10025 Resthaven Dr.
18 Jun 2023 09:34:09 PDT

grateful for commentary on this site and verbal facts on live cam
corie@bodega bay
11 Jun 2023 14:27:21 PDT

My question is,sometimes on Cracroft Point cam I see lots of debris logs,full trees and such on current,is this naturally occurring or from logging,mining?Thank you for sharing and everything you do!
Dena Fox@PO box 1141
24 May 2023 12:21:51 PDT

Hello everyone :), as I sit here waiting for the summer to approach, I'm itching to know if there are any sightings out there in general from orcas, or humpbacks etc. It's funny how when you're not around looking out at the water that sometimes, something sneaks passed the area :). I know that some of you know what I'm talking about when I say that :). Here's to keeping an eye out.
07 Apr 2023 18:12:55 PDT

Thank you for a fantastic presentation av your work at the research station at our study visit with Bluewater Adventures 5 September 2022. A donation has been sent and if I receive an email address, there will be some pictures from our visit.
Pär L?fvenius@Krabbes väg 27
26 Feb 2023 07:03:31 PST

Link to an article on chemicals found in orcas -Southern Residents & Biggs... sigh... ill post on fb page too.https://www.businessinsider.com/orcas-full-of-forever-chemicals-substance-used-in-toilet-paper-2023-1
04 Feb 2023 12:19:02 PST

This might sound cheesy, but I'm so thrilled to finally see and hear the orca live! It's been almost 8 years since coming here and failing to see or hear anything and this time I can, so thank you it has made my interests in orca revived. I appreciate you all and I hope to hear some humpback one day.
23 Jan 2023 07:43:45 PST

Jackie Campbell@105-19122-122ND AVENUE
21 Jan 2023 15:27:39 PST

The orca live audio is so precious to me, my kids, my extended family, my friends ... thank you for sharing it with us
Ursula Vaira@7727 Lantzville Road, Lantzville BC V0R 2H0
19 Jan 2023 09:09:12 PST

So exciting to see them happy and healthy!! What away to start the day! Thanks so much for your efforts to share this incredible experience!
Mary Lindsay Babineau@30244 Sunset Crescent
19 Jan 2023 07:57:19 PST

Thankyou so much for sharing your live cam footage and audio. I wish everyone could stop for a few minutes every once in a while and feel that sense of awe . Such beauty and strength.
Diana Paige @Cumberland BC
18 Jan 2023 23:36:01 PST

I want to share with you how wonderful,it was to hear As this morning. It was absolutely spellbinding?.I have also heard humpbacks over the past few months. Thanks so much for these hydrophones that let us listen in?
Kate@Pender Island BC
18 Jan 2023 19:58:03 PST

so cute they are diving I saw one
Luz Monica White @5927 Pine Arbor Drive
04 Jan 2023 15:10:01 PST

pas de gros bateau...;o)
katty & Michael@rue de l'eglis st martin - quartes Belgique
18 Dec 2022 02:23:33 PST

Hello, We have the chance to visit vancouver island late august/beginning of september 2023. we are poassionated by wildlife. We'll spend 5 days at grizzly bear lodge, a full day on the sea is included in our package. Once back on the main island, we would like to add one complete day on the sea to increase our chance to respectfully try to adire killer whales. We would like to know if you could advise us. We'll spend couple of days between Telegraph Cove and Port Hardy. Is there a recommended company in this area. no bug boat, something small and respecfull. Thanks a lot in advance for your help. Katty and Michael from belgium
katty & Michael@rue de l'eglis st martin - quartes Belgique
18 Dec 2022 02:21:59 PST