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With but days left in the year, we hope this Nature Network's last newsletter of 2004 reaches you well. Because we'd like to reference your opinions in future plans for the project, we've developed a questionnaire.
Please give us your feedback. And best wishes for a happy new year!

******* Nature Network Questionnaire *******

Thanks to the support of you our viewers, Nature Network has successfully completed its fifth season. To make the five-year mark a turning point, we decided to issue a questionnaire. Kindly give us your input when you have a spare moment. We look forward to your various opinions.


******* Download the 2004 OrcaLive Log *******

Jan van Twillert made a chronological compilation of all comments sent out from OrcaLab during the 2004 Live season.
The file is a mammoth, but anyone interested is welcome to download it. (Thanks, Jan!)


******* Umigame Live: Back soon... *******

No sooner did we sink the camera in late November, that it broke: so up it came again. It's now being repaired. We hope to have it back underwater early next year. The views from the land camera are still a treat anyway.


Until next year, then...

We await your thoughts and impressions.
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